Speak to me people:

your ssiiiiissssstttooooorrrr - 2007-04-09 14:38:05
After 3 months of dieting, candy is sounding really good right about now. Am I storing your candy for you? I just want some watermelon starburst jelly beans. Someone had some in the kitchen today and they looked really good. haha...
Jett - 2007-04-09 15:07:29
As I bought Reese's eggs for the mister as a token of goodwill a couple weeks ago (which I painstakingly avoided eating because I promised myself that they were all for him), it is now time to hit up said post-Keester sales to stock up on more for myself. My mother-in-law had decided that last year was the end of the basket giving for us kids, though I didn't think 33 was too old, either (my mom gave up after I moved away from home). So began the tradition of buying of whatever the hell we wanted this year, which I suppose is for the best; the Peeps that she liked to buy me (in apparent bulk, no less) are still sitting in the cupboard from last year. That's what happens when you only eat one or two a season. Good luck on the diet, however, shitloads of holiday candy are always in fashion, I believe. It's only once (Halloween = twice, Christmas = thrice, Valentines = quadrice???) a year, so why not? (p.s. - watermelon Jelly Bellys are quite the rage to my tastebuds.)

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