Speak to me people:

Bill - 2006-01-15 03:07:46
All of the pictures look the same - white box with a red "X" in them. I am glad to hear everything is going well for you!
Pfirsich - 2006-01-15 04:55:19
Haha,ditto!!! I don�t want to be old either,hm,maybe we could make a pact or something!!!! :-@
Carrie - 2006-01-15 10:55:56
I am 27 (just turned in Dec) and it's hard! I hope you enjoy the new year :)
Jett - 2006-01-15 21:36:47
It's our birthday week, dude!! Mine's the 17th. In all honesty, I actually looked FORWARD to turning 30. There's lots of stressers associated with your 20s that I was glad to shed, personally. A lot of people told me that turning 30 was one of the best times of their lives, and I think I would agree. Unfortunately, that was a couple years ago, so now I'm just staring down 40. And we won't talk about that.
LJ - 2006-01-16 11:46:07
You know... I had you're birthday (and address) posted on my bulletin board for the longest time. Now it's gone and I'm sad. However, I do wish you the very best of birthday's, and it's fun to read you again. Make sure Angel treat you right, or he'll have us to answer too. :-)
MAK - 2006-01-16 12:50:48
You are such an old fart. HAHA. Not that I will be 26 this May has anything to do with it. Yer still older than me!

Tell me your life story in 24 words. GO! :

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what's your m-fing website m-fer?:

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