Speak to me people:

Ricky - 2005-06-14 20:24:34
I love pictures with wacky captions! I am peeing my pants in anticipation....and when I say "peeing", I mean sitting here patiently drinking diet pepsi.....

Gary - 2005-06-19 17:13:21
Wow! That Larry David impersonator really has him nailed! Very impressive ;)
Ricky - 2005-06-20 08:35:46
Rick Springfield is supposed to be here in Albuquerque on July 1st and I was thinking of getting tickets just to hear that song. ..... so you're saying probably not worth it huh? And that's a good picture of you and Angel. You look good together.
Ginger - 2005-06-21 13:36:42
Ya'll look great together!!! He's a hottie!
Kellbelle - 2005-06-22 15:42:39
What a great picture! You guys make such a wonderful couple!

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