Speak to me people:

Gary - 2005-02-06 04:10:20
Very cool, B-Mo.
reva - 2005-02-06 07:26:37
wow, he sounds marvelous and I am totally with you on finally understanding all that they gave us. Wish I could have known it then. thanks for the entry, I need to go hug my parents.
Mom - 2005-02-06 12:27:36
Bethie, this was fabulous! Made me cry with joy and pride! We are a trully blessed family and you are one of those blessings that I thank God for every day. See you later!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
LJ - 2005-02-06 12:39:04
Beautifully written. You're dad is a very lucky man to have a daughter like you. Happy Birthday Beth's Dad!!!
Aunt Bonnie - 2005-02-06 13:19:52
Bethie, What a special gift to my dear brother.Sounds like you are doing well and have figured out alot of your problems. God always makes somthing good from a bad situation.You have grown up dear girl. I love your web site. Very creative. Love you, Auntie Bonnie
patch - 2005-02-06 14:15:40
nice Beth. :0) I wish I was home with ya'll.
Beth - 2005-02-06 19:57:06
That was really nice. Makes me wish I could go back and be a NICE teenager.
Malthus - 2005-02-07 06:29:26
You almost got me...I almost teared up! Darn you!
bethany - 2005-02-08 12:08:43
I can not imagine what my parents would think if they read my website. They coudl so easily find it, thank god both of them are net-tarded. I can just imgine the expression on my mom's face... "Oh BETH! Get a grip!"
chickie-legs - 2005-02-08 12:10:47
lol yeah, sometimes I wonder what they think of some of the things I wrote, but they are ridiculously supportive, so it's all good haha :) damn there's like three beth's in here. yayyy beth's
Pork Tornado - 2005-02-09 10:44:57
That was very well written. Anyone with a dad can relate. Even me.

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