Speak to me people:

LJ - 2005-01-22 20:34:33
Your back! Not a good way to start your 26th year. I hope he was worth it! :-) OK so that sounded kinda questionable, but I didn't mean it like that. Take care of yourself. LJ
Bill - 2005-01-22 21:25:24
Ouch! I hate it when that happens... Get well soon.
Carter - 2005-01-22 23:06:55
i have been a silent reader and i hope you fell better quickly you might need muscle relaxers in addition to the pain pills to get better more rapidly
malthus - 2005-01-24 09:01:15
Awwww...legs! Sorry...hope your spine doesn't try to escape.
Bill - 2005-01-25 14:59:47
Hey - you okay?

Tell me your life story in 24 words. GO! :

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