Speak to me people:

Gary - 2004-11-08 23:41:54
Wow. And I thought *I* was an ass. No wait, I *am* an ass! All kidding aside, great post, Beth. It brings back a lot of my own childhood memories, good and bad.
JuddHole - 2004-11-09 01:29:57
I dig the shit outta you, just so you know.
Kay - 2004-11-09 11:44:21
I am SO impressed with your mad talent skills. You left out one though.. writing.
LJ - 2004-11-09 12:15:39
You are tooooo funny!!!
cloudy - 2004-11-09 13:02:53
Ginny - 2004-11-09 17:13:44
OMG. That was sooooo funny. The funniest thing I've read in a while. I'm so rolling on the floor right now, except not, because I'd never get back up. You're so talented! :)
Bill - 2004-11-10 01:12:08
I think I love you. :-) I. Loved. The. Entry. It reminded me of several stories from when I was the same age. I was a giant dork. I will have to post a few stories on my site sometime soon.
Dr. Hardcrab - 2004-11-10 05:53:05
Lucky ants..... ;-]
bethany - 2004-11-10 12:42:10
that was amazing. the thing with showing the class your talent tape... my dearl lord, you have given a voice to legions of drama geeks just like me!

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