Speak to me people:

Bill - 2003-12-10 01:22:48
It sounds like things went well! Keep us posted.
Joshua Allen Bennett - 2003-12-10 03:52:43
My favorite part of the whole story was simply the title of the story....that's the creative genius I keep telling people about. People always come up to me and say "Where did you get that idea from"..and I tell them "oh I got that from my friend Beth, while we were hanging out, she always comes up with clever things like that" and then they respond with "oh so that is the creative genius that you keep telling me about?" and I usually respond with "yes she always comes up with celver things like that" and to continue the conversation I ask them "why you ask?" and they answer me with "becouse I wanted to know where you got that idea from" dumbfounded I looked at them and said "I got that idea from Beth, while we were hanging out one day, she always comes up with clever things like that"
BETH - 2003-12-10 05:00:08
LOL that was awesome josh..thanks (Im glad SOMEONE got the reference at least) lol

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