Speak to me people:

Amy - 2003-11-19 09:18:29
Sounds like you guys had lots of fun. Even though we had a blast with Gretta, I'm going next time. DAMNIT.
James - 2003-11-22 15:40:01
The ball!!! The ball I say!! The ball!!!!
Brian - 2003-11-22 18:01:41
What the hell is a Las Vegas?
Beth - 2003-11-22 18:22:21
??? Las Vegas is Sin City baby. And the ball was not dropped, the ball was misplaced...by the tons of overwhelming homework I am doing! I'll return the ball soon enough. Brian you need to visit vegas.
Brian - 2003-11-24 13:00:40
Sin??! Nooo!!!!!

Tell me your life story in 24 words. GO! :

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