Speak to me people:

Ricky - 2006-07-26 21:54:35
Eh, you have a life. Your not required to update as often when you get one of those. Stupid lives.
You know, I'm 35 and still a long way away from even getting a girlfriend, engaged or much less married and having kids. I think about it alot though...
My point being, your not too old. Your gonna make a great mom. Plus, you got a lot of wisdom...for a chick....er...ie. So bust out some munchkins, Mama Chickie. :-)
Groom - 2006-07-27 11:00:35
Yeah... No presure there...
wise old lady - 2006-07-27 11:48:59
you should definitely run out and get married!! Take the money your parents are giving you and invest it into your own home. Weddings cost way too much when you can spend it on the things that will matter for the rest of your lives!! A fancy wedding doesn't mean you love each other more then if you were to have a small non-expense wedding. Your love is the same regardless. Don't start your life together stressing about money when you have to option to start it off right. :0)
Bride - 2006-07-27 12:03:15
Amy..you're wearing a dress, get over it.
Jett - 2006-07-27 21:58:54
Girl, I still have 4 years on you and no kids after 8 years of marriage. I am definitely not a "kid person", nor have I ever had a burning desire to have any. Not that I WOULDN'T have any, but I wasn't in any hurry. I'm not like the other women in my office who go all nutso when people bring their kids in. But all my friends are starting to pop them out, too, and yeah, it does start to break you down. I still would love to be able to afford ourselves a little bit better before we bring another one into the mix. Anyhoo, point is, do what you feel in your heart is what you want. You don't have to put on the wedding parade for anyone but yourselves. Elope, have a great honeymoon where you start working on the chickie-angels, then come back and have a cool party with lots of ice cream.
Jett - 2006-07-27 21:59:46
And I lost a friend! Who am I going to send vile glitter graphics to now?
Misty - 2006-08-03 18:31:16
Thats what me and my hub did. My family is H-U-G-E, and i didnt want to spend a buttload of money on some silly wedding... so we ran up to Tahoe with my son on a Friday and got married. Now, we are having a huge bash/reception in September for family and friends... totally non-formal. Best. Thing. Ever.

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