Speak to me people:

Ricky - 2005-11-21 16:22:03
I was beginning to worry about you Ms. Legs. Glad you updated. :) Your already going on vacations together? Wow, you two didn't run off to Vegas for a quickie Elvis marriage did you?
beth - 2005-11-21 17:37:59
it's funny, a lot of people asked me that, but no..not yet anyway! :)
Bill - 2005-11-21 22:54:05
Not YET anyway? Wow... Keep us posted!
Carter - 2005-11-22 10:34:41
philly is one of my most favorite city to visit .. so many things to do there .. and thats saying something from this NYC'ker
LJ - 2005-11-22 11:24:58
I'm so glad you resurfaced. I thought that maybe with a new love in your life you wouldn't want to hang out with we ruffians anymore. I was wrong - you still like us! Nice picture too, what a cutie!!
Kay - 2005-12-02 01:12:15
Well I guess we had to sacrifice the chickie legged one to the love god's..good trade though wouldnt ya think? He looks like he is a wonderful guy!
Ricky - 2005-12-03 17:15:22
Yeah, what Kay said. I know you got the whole "love/life/happiness" thing going on, and that's awesome, but just so you know, you're missed around here Beth. :)

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